Welcome to BIOSA

Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona


BIOSA is a key driving force behind a biotech business and research environment that is rapidly expanding in Southern Arizona.

The Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona (BIOSA) is a non-profit trade group that supports the creation, operation, and expansion of life science enterprises and the commercialization of university research institute-based technologies in Southern Arizona.

BIOSA is a dues-paying organization that draws its membership from large and small companies, higher education and research institutions, and individuals interested in the development of a strong bioindustry in Southern Arizona.

Research, technology, and capital, as well as people, facilities and support, are the components necessary for Southern Arizona's continued success.

The state’s economic development plan emphasizes growth of life science-based industries, including medical, agricultural and environmental technologies. BIOSA works to ensure that the ingredients required for further expansion of the area’s bioindustry sector are in place.

Copyright 2025 Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona
Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Tucson Arizona

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